Friday, July 30, 2010

Misuse and Abuse of Drugs Defined

You can be an expert on a subject and stumble over your tongue trying to explain some simple concept if you are under pressure or caught off guard. It happens to all of us. For example, can you explain in seconds the difference between misuse and abuse of drugs? I am sure you know the difference, but unless you have a rehearsed and prepared script in mind, you may back up a few times as you try to clarify the difference. It's at these special times that a handout comes in handy.

I found a great handout that discusses the difference between misuse and abuse of drugs. It was emailed to me by one of my article sources at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. There's no copyright, so you print and copy this handout and use it in trainings. It would be a good for supervisor training in workplace substance abuse or employee drug and alcohol awareness, for that matter.

Have you previewed for free the two hour DOT alcohol and drug training web course available from Email me here and I will send you the temporary link that launches the course. This web course has pop up handouts, test questions, a certificate of completion, feedback on wrong answers--the whole nine yards. And it's in sound. Click here to ask me to send it -- Dan, send me that free course link on Reasonable Suspicion