Thursday, December 26, 2013

EAPs: Claim the High Ground on Helping Supervisors Learn Mentoring and Coaching Skills

Inc. Magazine had some interesting news recently that EAPs may want to pay attention to.

Research reported in the Harvard Business Review shows that the most likely reason employees leave their employers isn't money, it's a lack of coaching, mentorship, and training. I smell EAP opportunity here.

Can Employee Assistance Programming figure successfully into these problems and become a cost-benefiting financial solution to many the most expensive human resource problem organization's face?

Figure this one out, and you may endear yourself to the host organization big time rather than look like managed care bait come next budget cycle. Start with metrics and find out the turnover rate now. Then come up with your strategy for change.

Consider this pathway to expanding the value-added worth of your EAP. Take your EAP skills and abilities, and establish soft skills training directly related to relationship building, communication, coaching, mentorship, and helping supervisors bond effectively and listen aggressively to what there employees need. You have the experience to imagine an outline and pathway to growing these capabilities for supervisory and leadership staff.

Training (the third problem above) will always be hurdle because it is a time and resource issue, but the other two issues from this study are about relationships, bonding, listening, communication, listening, and other soft skills that EAPs are naturally better prepared to deliver to organizations. You're likely to increase supervisory referrals as a result--a nice pay off for better relationships and helping supervisors.

Who is offering mentor training and coaching training in organizations? It's time to claim the high ground. This is off the behavioral health care radar and their business model will never touch these problems.

Step #1: Gather information on turnover and figure the cost for your host organization. Step #2) In your annual behavioral risk mapping report that I have encouraged in past posts, present your arguments for adding these tow curriculum opportunities. Justify the cost. Two years later, measure impact.

Don't forget to present a paper at EAPA. You'll fill the room. Also try a SHRM conference. Those folks don't even know what an EAP is anymore.